For a Motivational Mindset – Clean Living is the Best Revenge

by | Sep 24, 2012 | Career and Jobs

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Rotten stuff happens to everyone. It doesn’t matter who you talk to, everybody has at least one horror story, one thing from their past that they wish they could go back and change. They wish they’re childhood had been happier, they feel that they made a mistake that caused them to lose the love of their life, they wish they would have stood up to the classmate the bullied them all through high school, they were the victim of abuse.  Some of the tales can be chilling, some might seem silly, but to the person telling the story it’s a serious situation.

Some people seem to have no trouble shedding their past, of letting it go and enjoying their present. They make it look so easy. What you need to understand is that it’s not always as easy as it looks. You should also be aware that anyone can learn how to shed their past and enjoy their current life. Once you have done this, you will find that you’re happier and more relaxed. In turn this makes you more productive. You’ll even find that you experience fewer health issues after you’ve let things go, and move on.

If you’ve been hurt in the past, the simplest way to let things go and not let past horror or heartbreak ruin the rest of your life, will be to constantly remind yourself that enjoying your life and living well really can be the best revenge. When you do this, you’ll start to notice that something funny happens. When you run into the people who hurt you, the ones you thought would always have the upper hand, you’ll often see them through different eyes. You‘ll see that they’re actually people with very small and unhappy lives. When they see how much you enjoy life, how happy and centered you are, they will turn green with envy. In that moment, you will truly see that living well really is the best revenge.

The trick to getting your revenge on the ones who have hurt you in the past is learning to let go. You need to empty your cup. Every single day you need to get up and promise that you’re going to go through the day without judging others, not creating any unrealistic ideals, delighting in flaws, not putting emotional value in material things, not judging yourself based on your material wealth. Tools that will help you achieve present day contentment while also helping you let go of your past include:

  • Mediation
  • Exercise
  • Doing something good for others
  • Eating a piece of chocolate or bowl of ice cream
  • Making a list of all the good things in your life

The best way to truly feel better about yourself, while letting go of the past is to lose yourself in laughter.

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