What To Know Before Booking A Dermaplaning Treatment

by | Oct 1, 2020 | Loan

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One of the newest trends in skin treatments offered throughout the Charlotte, NC, area is the use of a process known as dermaplaning Charlotte NC. It involves the use of a medical grade blade to remove the surface layer of dead skin cells on the face. This layer of dead skin cells is a key factor in creating a dull or dry look to the skin, and it can also contribute to clogged pores and the development of skin irritation.

The process not only removes the dead skin cells, but it effectively removes the fine hairs most women have on their cheeks, chin, and jaw area. Removing this peach fuzz brightens the face and allows for the smoother, seamless application of foundation makeup. Keep in mind, this is not a permanent removal, but the process can be repeated as often as required.

Considerations and Issues

In general, skin of all types and tones is a good candidate for the dermaplaning process. There are some skin issues that may not suitable for the process. In general, women with sunburns or skin irritation or conditions should consult with their dermatologist before booking an appointment.

Common skin issues that are not suitable for the process include eczema, rosacea, acne outbreaks, psoriasis, or those with significant and deep scarring on the face. These conditions can be irritated through the process. Deep scarring creates a very uneven skin surface, which makes it difficult for the aesthetician or dermatologist to treat the entire facial area.

Used a Licensed Provider

In the Charlotte, NC, area, always research the provider and choose a licensed aesthetician, dermatologist, or medical health professional for the procedure. Unfortunately, with the choice of untrained and unlicensed individuals to complete the procedure, there is a risk of skin infections and the worsening of skin conditions.