What to Know About Hiring Keynote Speakers

by | Oct 1, 2012 | Business And Finance

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If you are in need of a speaker for an upcoming event and are taking on the task of finding and hiring the keynote speaker for that event, there are a few things that you should know about before your hire a professional. The average person is not well versed in what they should look for when hiring a speaker, which is why it is important to have a basic understanding of what to look for, to make sure you are hiring the right speaker for the job.

First you will always want to make sure that you are hiring a true professional or someone who has a CSP designation. A CSP is someone who is designated by the National Speakers Association (NSA) as a Certified Speaking Professional. This means that the individual has a high level of professional speaking skills and have met a number of requirements put forth by the NSA. This is the highest designation given by the NSA and it shows that the individual you are hiring has experience, professional credentials, a proven record of excellence, and that they will deliver appropriate, insightful and memorable presentations that can improve any event.

When you find a professional public speaker with these types of qualifications, you can rest assured that they have the skills necessary to deliver a quality speech. This is an important thing for many people looking to hire keynote speakers, as there are some who simply hire a person to deliver these speeches, based on their past experiences. Many times, these individuals have no training or experience in public speaking and can deliver speeches that quickly lose audience interest or fail to deliver the right type of message.

However, just because a person is a great public speaker and a professional within their industry, it doesn’t always mean that they will be able to deliver the right type of speech for your event. This is why you will want to make sure that any keynote speakers you consider have audio recordings of their speeches that you can listen to before hiring them. This is a great way to get an idea of what types of speeches they deliver and what type of speech you can expect. You will also want to see what events they have spoken at in the past, to see if they have experience in speaking at the type of event you are holding. This is a great way to determine if they will be a fit for what you are looking for.

Hiring keynote speakers can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you are hiring a speaker for an important business function. However, if you take the time to look for a professional and certified speaker you can rest assured that you are hiring someone who will be able to deliver the right speech for your event.

If you are looking for keynote speakers for an upcoming event, Dough Dvorak CSP is a professional key note speaker who provides speaking services at a variety of events.