What Constitutes Safe Solar Eclipse Glasses?

by | Jun 27, 2019 | Eclipses

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Gazing at the sun can cause severe impairment to your eyes. “Eclipse blindness” is a real possibility. It all depends upon how long you gaze with unprotected eyes at the sun during a solar eclipse. Glasses, specifically designed to prevent such harm, are readily available. However, do not purchase, let alone wear, any pair of such glasses unless you are certain they are manufactured for the purpose of addressing solar eclipses.

What to Look For

No one disputes the dangers resulting from looking directly at an eclipse with the naked eye. They also realize that wearing regular or even custom designer eyewear is not an effective means of deflecting potential damage. The only way to ensure eye safety is to purchase glasses designed specifically for viewing an eclipse. Fortunately, this is not a difficult task. However, it does involve carefully examining the glasses and noting they meet certain standards. Safe solar eclipse glasses:

Bear the icon indicating they are safe according to the International Safety Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Must sport the following marking – “ISO 12312-2.” This indicates the reference number supplied by the ISO to indicate only 0.0032 percent of light; maximum can pass through the lenses of the glasses
Must not have any scratches on the lenses
Must be noted by the manufacturers and sellers to be “CE” certified, therefore meeting the light transmission specifications of scale

While eclipse glasses are inexpensive, you can spend more money on customized glasses. The better brands are composed of scratch-resistant material. Their lenses, sometimes made of silver-black or black polymer act as superb filters, providing the protection the eyes need against the powerful ultraviolet and infrared light of a solar eclipse.

Buying Solar Eclipse Glasses

Staring at the sun with unprotected eyes can result in solar retinopathy. Such damage is permanent. To avoid this occurring, protect your eyes. Purchase certified solar eclipse glasses from a reputable seller.