Understanding What Dental Veneers in Charlotte, NC Can Do For You

by | Mar 14, 2024 | Dentist

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While your teeth are in reasonably good shape, there are procedures that will help improve your smile. One that your dentist may recommend is adding dental veneers in Charlotte, NC to one or more teeth. Can this approach really make a difference? Consider these three examples of what veneers can accomplish.

Perhaps you have a gap between a couple of teeth. It’s not a wide gap, but it is enough that you notice if when you look in the mirror. Veneers applied to the teeth can help fill in that space without making your teeth look unusually large.

Many things can lead to your teeth looking yellowed and dingy. The nice thing about veneers is that they can restore the look of those teeth. With the right approach, the effects that resulted from years of drinking coffee or tea, smoking, and other activities will disappear. All that’s left is a beautiful smile.

It’s not unusual for people to get veneers in Charlotte, NC as a way to hide the fact that a couple of your teeth are not perfectly shaped. Adding veneers allows those teeth to blend in with the surrounding ones, giving your smile a more even appearance. Since the veneers can be tinted to match the shade of the surrounding teeth, no one will be able to tell that you have them.

These are only some of the ways that dental veneers can help. Talk with your dentist and determine if this approach would be good for you. Once you know what to expect, it will be easy to make your decision.