One of the challenges many women in Charlotte, NC,face is skin that appears dull and drab. The dullness or lack of a natural glow to the skin becomes more prominent with age. One of the biggest contributing factors to a dull look on the skin is a buildup of layers of dead skin cells on the surface.
These skin cells are not removed with exfoliating scrubs or home types of skin brightening treatments. Small hairs on the face, known as peach fuzz, also contribute to the look of dullness of the skin’s surface and help to hold the layer of dead skin cells.
Removing the Problem
A highly effective way to bring back the natural glow to the skin is a process known as dermaplaning Charlotte, NC. It should be performed by a licensed professional, typically either a medical professional or a licensed medical aesthetician.
The process is completed in the office, and the treatment typically takes less than an hour. There is a slight redness to the skin with some individuals, but there is no need for downtime after the procedure. Many women schedule dermaplaning on their lunch break and return to work for the rest of the day.
The process of dermaplaning involves using a very sharp surgical scalpel to remove the surface layer of dead skin cells. This process removes peach fuzz and can also be used to reduce areas of skin redness, sun damage, and fine lines and wrinkles.
Painless and effective, this is a solution that is ideal for most skin types. As with any procedure, your Charlotte, NC, aesthetician will evaluate your skin issues and recommend the best treatment to provide the desired results.