A majority of banks charge a monthly fee for opening a checking account. Whether you are opening a personal or business account it is a great idea to inquire about opening a free checking account in Knoxville, TN. Compare the services offered by your local banks to discover which financial institution can offer you an account that fits your specific financial needs. When you are searching for a bank ask if there are any hidden fees they may charge. Check with the bank to see if they charge overdraft, ATM, or debit card fees in relation to their accounts so you can plan to stay within their guidelines and avoid paying any extra charges. Many community banks provide overdraft protection for a fraction of the cost, which can be invaluable to helping you avoid those charges as well.
Are Free Checking Accounts Really Free?
There are a variety of checking accounts available that offer free checking. How can you be sure that a free checking account is really free? When you speak with banking professionals they can make you aware of any stipulations involved concerning free checking accounts. For example, there are non-interest building accounts that do not require a monthly fee. However, there is a minimum amount required to open the account. With a non-interest building account, you most likely will not be obligated to maintain a minimum balance, however, you will be unable to grow interest. For customers 62 years of age or older, they can open a senior account that grows interest if the daily balance exceeds $100. There are also rewards checking accounts available that provide free checking with high-interest rates that are earned on balances below $25,000.
Get a Step Ahead in Your Business with a Free Business Checking Account
Many community banks offer Free Business Checking accounts for both commercial and non-profit organizations. In many situations, with commercial checking, an analysis of your account is completed each month to determine whether you will pay a monthly fee or not. The factors involved concerning whether you will pay a fee depend on the volume of transactions you complete, and the average balance you keep on a monthly basis. Non-Profit organizations can open an interest checking account that will not charge a monthly fee and will earn interest each month from their end of the day balance.
Online Banking Allows You to Bank Anywhere, Anytime
One of the perks of utilizing modern technology includes being able to access accounts online. An online checking account is available 24 hours a day, every day. Essentially you have access to your banking account through the internet so you can check balances keep abreast of account activity. With online banking, you can also make a loan payment, pay bills and transfer funds between accounts. Most institutions also offer mobile applications that serve these same functions, as well.
When you are ready to open a free checking account in Knoxville, TN, you should a community bank near you. They offer a friendly and knowledgeable staff to assist you in finding the type of account you desire, and get the banking process started for you immediately.