For all of your life, you have loved your hair. You wore it pretty long as a teenager. You even went through a phase where you had a Mohawk! As you matured you have regular haircuts at an upscale barber, almost a hair salon, and you enjoyed it tremendously.
Now as you have hit middle age, your hair has fallen out more and more every month. Your wife has noticed, your children have noticed and your male friends have started to tease you, a hair guy, about losing your hair.
You wish you weren’t the guy who cares that much about losing your hair. It happens to most men as they age. Some start losing their hair as soon as they hit 21 years of age. You were lucky enough to keep your until you hit 40. Now it gets more noticeable every day.
You live in Philly and you are looking for Hair Replacement For Men in Philadelphia, PA. You would prefer to go to see a medical doctor as opposed to any other establishment. You believe that doctors will do a more careful and medically safe process for your Hair Replacement For Men in Philadelphia, PA.
As doctors, you feel more confident that the most advanced medical techniques will be used. You will be treated by medical professionals who will only use the latest, safest and best techniques while being concerned for the medical safety of the process. You want a fully licensed staff who are committed to providing you with the best hair replacement process.
Please reach out to the office of doctors Feller and Bloxham at the Philadelphia Hair Transplant at