How Body Contouring Can Reshape After Major Weight Loss

by | Jun 23, 2017 | Health Care

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We’ve heard of facial contouring which consists of using various highlights and bronzers. However, body contouring is vastly different utilizing cosmetic surgery. After an individual undergoes a succession of major weight loss, at times the skin will not bounce back like before. The elasticity has subsided allowing the skin to sag. This can make people feel self-conscious, or even allow the body to ache from time to time. Body contouring focus’ on all the core areas of an individual’s figure where the skin has collected, underneath the arms, inner thighs, lower abdomen, breasts, face, and stomach. Contact a cosmetic surgeon about body contouring in Naperville to have a thorough understanding of the surgical concept.

What Type of Surgery Will Be Conducted?

When it comes to sagging skin because the tissue cannot withhold elasticity anymore is called a lift. An individual may have to undergo a facelift, arm lift, tummy tuck, or a medial thigh lift. Because the body has transformed through the excessive weight loss, one can become muscular and tighten some tissue. Yet, the skin will not retighten. This is where body contouring comes in. Body contouring is a common surgery for individuals wanting to get rid of excess skin that has become unflattering, or uncomfortable.  This procedure will reshape the skin to the new figure sculpted from exercise, or other weight loss surgeries.

What About the Recovery Time?

Recovery varies from person to person, however, the surgery itself consists of only a lower body lift is looking to around eight hours of surgical time under anesthesia. After surgery, an individual will be wrapped in garment bandages to sustain support and swelling that will occur. There will be a sore component for up to two weeks which is part of the recovery period. When it comes to exercising again, most do not attempt until a six-week period has passed by. This allows the body to heal fully and completely. Allow the six-week recovery time to happen with minimal harsh movement.

If you are looking for body contouring in Naperville, contact Center for Cosmetic & Laser Surgery. Reach them online at